SpongeBob 10th Anniversary Style Guide

What could be more fun than working on the SpongeBob 10th Guide? Andy Art Directed this guide for Nickelodeon, working with internal and external design resources. The guide featured three distinct design styles for different consumer demographics: mass market - "Classic SpongeBob," young adult - "Simply Bob," and aspirational adult - "Bob Squared." A selection of pages are shown here. ©Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toy Photos

This was an amazing project to Art Direct. Andy was fortunate enough to work with Brian McCarty. It's definitely worth checking out his website for more info and his current pursuits. They shot Turtles all over NYC and Brooklyn. It was so much fun for them to really bring the toys to life! ©Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Style Guide

Cowabunga Dude! It's the Turtles! It was a childhood dream to be a part of the TMNT legacy. At Nickelodeon, we worked closely with Playmates Toys, the series creators, internal and external designers and our Consumer Products business team to put together a shelltastic guide. A selection of pages are shown here. ©Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Dora 10th Anniversary Style Guide

"¡Lo hicimos! We did it!" That's how we felt upon completing the Dora the Explorer 10th Anniversary Style Guide. We evolved the look of Dora consumer products to create a more aspirational look. A selection of pages are shown here. ©Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Avatar Style Guide

The Avatar Style Guide was an exciting project. The Art Direction for this Nickelodeon project was heavily inspired by Chinese iconography and art. We worked closely with the show creators to keep our interpretation accurate to the property. This Style Guide was one of Nickelodeon's last printed Style Guides. Following are some sample pages. ©Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Blaze Packaging

"Blaze is a Nickelodeon property that really translates well to toys. Following are a couple of examples that Andy worked on as Art Director for Nickelodeon Packaging. ©Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Iggy Arbuckle Style Guide

The Iggy Arbuckle Style Guide was completed for National Geographic Kids. A fun property with a unique, bright and funny aesthetic.

Nickelodeon and Lowes Partnership

Children's room designs based on Nick properties. Lowes created custom paint colors for our program.

Club Yeti Packaging

Conceptual Packaging for Imaginary Club Yeti Figures

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